Thursday, 21 July 2011

Its been a long time.

It has been such a long time since i last posted. Things here at Unschoolinghub have been crazy busy.
We have dashed around to auditions, shoots, dance recitals, piano recitals, HE groups, workshops, ballet shows, swim classes, drama classes and everything inbetween. During all of that i have managed to set up a new business 'Crafty Cabin' running sewing/craft & puppet building workshops from home. I trialed the puppet workshop at my HE group and i think it was quite successful. i got to see where i can make improvements for the official launch on 1st August.
I have set up a Facebook  page 'Crafty Cabin', linked everything to twitter, joined Google+ and re did my Linkedin profile. I designed my own logo see below:
 And bought a whole heap of materials for the workshops. i have advertised across the London region HE lists and the first few workshops are fully booked, so not bad.

We also had our check from the EWO which went fine but has spurred me on to get some kind of schedule going for September and that's for me rather than the girls, i just can't continue chasing my tail, it's too stressful.
I'm hoping i keep up with regular updates here as this is to record our Homeschooling/Unschooling journey and all the bits inbetween.
Must dash, eamils to type, party to attend & kid's to feed ;D